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Make Art!

Writer's picture: Adore Praise & WorshipAdore Praise & Worship
Creation of Adam
'Creation of Adam' (Detail) by Michelangelo

Are there any artists out there? Or anyone looking to become an artist or create something unique? We're not just talking about drawings or paintings. Art is any unique creation or expression of your voice, whatever that may be. It could be writing a book, a poem, or a song. How about starting a podcast or video blog? What about auditioning for the dance team or an upcoming school play? Maybe you’ve been thinking about picking up an instrument and learning to play. Or perhaps painting, drawing, or photography is your passion. The possibilities are endless! Making art is one of our many God-given abilities, and the treasure found in doing so is a beautiful mystery.

Why Make Art?

Art comes from God. He created us with the ability to create, just as He does. We are made in the image and likeness of God, meaning we, too, have His creative abilities. It is a wonderful gift He has bestowed upon humankind, and as His children, it is one of our callings to offer back to our Heavenly Father the gift of art.

Going back to the beginning of this post, art is not just drawings and paintings or typical “creative” things. For those of you thinking, I’m not the creative type, remember that art can take many forms. It can be gardening - cultivating a beautiful garden with flowers, fruits, and vegetables. It can be designing a website or launching a clothing line. It can be playing a sport, using your physical movements and athletic abilities as an artistic expression. The beauty of art lies in its essence as your heartfelt gift of thanksgiving to God. It is an expression of gratitude for His unwavering love, goodness, and perfect Fatherhood in your life.

Your Biggest Fan

Your art is a creation inspired by the Holy Spirit, and if you allow Him to work through you, wonderful things will happen. Remember, God has given us free will and has graced each of us with unique gifts and talents. When we choose to use these gifts for His glory and for good, miracles happen.

If you struggle with self-doubt, with thoughts like “I’m not good enough” or “I can’t do this,” remember Matthew 19:26: “With men, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.” With God, all things are possible, and this Truth will overpower the lie that you are not enough. The power of God lives and works within you. You are not alone. Your identity is rooted in being a child of God.

Don’t worry about the opinions of others. They may or may not like what you create, but making art is not about pleasing people - it’s about offering something to God. He is your audience, your biggest fan, and He absolutely loves everything you create.

Surrender It - God Will Use It

Then surrender it. God will use it. Another wonderful mystery of creating art is how God uses it. Once you’ve created something with the intention of glorifying God and expressing yourself, regardless of what others may think, God will use your art for His glory and for the healing of the world.

If it’s a song you wrote or performed, He may put it in the path of someone who needs to hear it to get through a difficult time. Your latest photograph might remind someone of a beautiful memory, bringing healing to their soul. And not only will God use your art to bless others, but He will also use it to bless your own soul.

When you create art, you participate in the divine will of God - creation. You engage your heart, mind, body, and soul all at once, for no reason other than to glorify God and walk with Him in His will. Through the struggles, challenges, breakthroughs, joys, and pleasures that come with creating something, He is with you, co-creating alongside you. It is a beautiful experience.


Like everything in life, find your confidence in Jesus Christ and believe that you can do it. If self-doubt arises, confide in our Lord. You are worthy, precious, and beautiful.

Create with humility and confidence. Glorify God. Participate in the healing of the world.

And make art!

For a deeper reflection on how God calls us to be artists, check out this incredible reflection by Pope St. John Paul II: Letter of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to Artists.

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In Christ,

Adore Praise & Worship

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